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Do You Baby your Employees?

Everyone has an their own ideas on how they would handle that spoiled rotten kid who runs their parents' lives in a negative way.

But we have no idea how to manage our employees who have tantrums when they don't get their way, are mean as hell to others or just takeover the workplace in a negative way.

How's this working for you?

I am going to go out on a limb, that might not be as sturdy as I would like, but I am sure a negative work environment was created by how we have allowed employees to act, work and engage with everyone around.

So let's get one thing straight, I am not speaking about all workplaces.

There are some amazing cultures throughout the world who have mastered workplace appreciation, as well as the climate control of the environment in a whole.

When a new employee starts a job, they are excited to be part of a team.

They are proud of the accomplishment of landing the position of their choice.

But somewhere from that first day to the present day, the unhappy disruptive employee, something was terribly missed.

No one WANTS to be a miserable son of a bitch at work.

Most want to do the job that they were set out to do and be happy.

So what happened?

Just like parenting styles have changed along the way, so has the culture and climates of companies and business.

Maybe, just maybe I have a different outlook on working and how things changed that could give some insight on how to influence others in a positive way.

So a little back ground on me...

I was raised on a dairy farm.

So let me tell you this, if I did not working hard, I would get a pitch fork in the ass. (Obviously, hypothetically speaking)

If I wanted to come hang with my Dad, it was to pitch bales of hay (my fav) or to shovel out the calf pens (not my fav) or even worse milk those cranky cows (straight fear)!

If I finished my work, I found something else to do.

That is just how it was.

"Look around", my Dad would say, "There is ALWAYS something to do."

But I loved it because I was hanging with my Dad.

When I went to work off the farm at age 15, I was told to slow down.

I would work myself out of a job, I was told, and I was taking jobs away from others by doing everyone's work.

This was a bit of a harsh reality for me to understand, because I would get a good groove going but my co-workers were getting pissed at me.

This was the beginnings of my understanding of the differences in work ethics, work strategies, and the mental differences of people in general.

I remember going home and telling Dad how I was getting crap from my co-workers.

He smiled and said, well that because they don't work the same, and that's ok.

An employee is hired to do a job to the best of their ability.

An employee is hired to be the best version of themselves to improve the company, or at least maintain its mission.

Yet, somewhere along the way, environments have given in to tantrums, less than valued work ethics, and just plain laziness.

And some employees have given in to a belief that it is up to the company to make them "feel appreciated", to give incentives to make them work harder and to be glad they show up to work.

Now before you go all postal on me for being harsh (truthful), let me remind you of what I do for a living.

I teach workplace appreciation courses.

So I am the first to acknowledge that showing appreciation goes a hell of a long way.

Unless there is an entitlement mentality from years of spoiled rotten brats, getting their way.

So where is the conflict in this thinking...

When an employee says, "My boss does not appreciate me."

This screams that something more is going on within the employee.

Lack of confidence, fear of failing, needs of approval, really the list can go on.

Something happened in a negative way that was ignored or not dealt with.


It is still the job of the leaders to make sure the needs of their employees are being met.

Emotionally as well.

So what do you need to do?

Understand the languages of appreciation.

If you have ever read the book The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Dr. Paul White and Dr. Gary Chapman, you will know what I am talking about.

If not, you might think I am a bit coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

But I am telling you this works!

I am a Certified Teacher in Workplace Appreciation.

Everyone has their own beliefs on how to feel appreciated.

Some like affirmation such as a simple thank you for doing a great job, or an tangible gift.

Some one on one time as well and help with a project could be the perfect mix.

These are all forms of appreciation : affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts and the random and appropriate actions of touch.

I like to push it a bit further.

I believe as leaders in the influential culture , today, we need to teach employees how to appreciate themselves as well as others.

Not to look for it from everyone else.

Once that happens, happiness can never be.

NEVER, it becomes a search within the company, within co-workers and the leaders of the team.

I believe parts of our world has forgotten about helping others to lift themselves up.

Instead employees get mad, angry and/or hurt in feelings when they don't get their way.

Like the young boy who has had his toy taken away from another child at daycare.

Would you not want to have an environment where everyone looked out for everyone else.

Can you picture a culture like that?

Well I can!

I have seen it.

I have seen the change happen right before my eyes, and it is rewarding for everyone involved.

Sit and imagine going to work for the first time, take yourself back to that place.

Do you notice the flutters in your stomach, but proud of being there?

Do you feel the smile on your face when you entered the job your first day.

Did you expect it to change?

If your answer is no, that's ok.

The good news is you can change it back by changing what you think.

Leave a message below and tell me about what changed for you at your workplace.

Appreciation matters.

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